• Here We Go Again

    Here We Go Again

    My agent gave me the green light to draft my new project! The process might be slower than you’d expect.

  • Control Issues

    Control Issues

    How to feel in control when you’re work is out of our hands

  • How to Write a Novel: After the Outline

    How to Write a Novel: After the Outline

    I think a trap that new writers especially can fall into is getting stuck in the planning stages of a novel.

  • Reframing Writer’s Block

    Reframing Writer’s Block

    There is no singular cause of writer’s block, but for many—especially new writers—the root cause of their writer’s block is fear. 

  • Why I Don’t Use Beta Readers

    Why I Don’t Use Beta Readers

    I see a lot of writers discussing how they use beta readers in their process, and I wanted to give an alternate perspective for those writers out there who are finding their experience with beta readers lacking.

  • What to Do When You Have More Than One Agent Offer?

    What to Do When You Have More Than One Agent Offer?

    When I was querying my second book, I had the opportunity to have three calls with agents who offered me representation. It is a unique position to be in, so I thought I’d share a few things I learned from the calls that might help other querying writers, whether you have one or multiple offers…

  • Write What You Know

    Write What You Know

    “Can I write __________ ?”  This question is everywhere on social media and writing forums, often posed by new writers. I think the culprit is one of the most common pieces of writing advice that gets thrown around: “Write what you know.” But what does that mean, exactly?

  • How to Read Like a Writer

    How to Read Like a Writer

    There are things you learn about writing that can only be taught through reading (Or listening. Audiobooks absolutely count).

  • How to Write a Novel: Be Flexible

    How to Write a Novel: Be Flexible

    I don’t want to give anyone the wrong impression (the internet is full enough of those.)  If you’ve seen my other blog posts, you know that I am currently planning a new novel. (That’s planning with a capital P.) I have a workbook filled to the brim (Seriously, it barely closes) with notes on character…

  • How to Write a Novel: Vibe, Heart, Stakes

    How to Write a Novel: Vibe, Heart, Stakes

    Today, I want to share an example of how I plot out a chapter using a method that boils down to three parts: vibe, heart, and stakes.

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